PhD students are invited to submit four-page papers to PhD Forum at FPT'18, which is a poster-based session for PhD students to present and discuss their research with people in the community of field-programmable technology.

The papers will be reviewed and the accepted PhD Forum papers will be included in the conference proceedings. The presenters must bring their own posters for presentation at the forum.

Submission guidelines

Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format, following the IEEE style. A four-page paper should includes the PhD research including name, institution, adviser, contact information. The four-page limit will be strictly enforced. Please use online system and select "PhD forum" track for submission.

Please note that at least one full-registration is required for each paper and we expect that PhD student will be presenting the paper at the conference, otherwise the paper will not be included in IEEE Xplore.

Submission site

Submission site »
Please select "PhD forum" track for submission.

Important dates (all 23:59, AoE)

Date Date
PhD forum paper submission due September 20, 2018 (firm)
Author notification September 29, 2018
Final-copy due October 22 October 26, 2018 (HARD)
PhD forum on FPT'18 Conference December 13, 2018 (tentative)


If you have any question, please contact to fpt18-tpc "at" (Please replace the "at" to @.)